
Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions


A lesson is of two hours, hour and a half or a hour and If for any reason it is not possible to give a full hours instruction, then any lost time will be added to a later lesson. It is the responsibility of the Pupil to ensure that this has been noted down.

In the event of mechanical breakdown or other difficulty outside the control of the instructor, the instructor reserves the right to rearrange lessons at short notice.

Payment for each lesson should be made at least 48 hours before each lesson starts. 1st Pass Driving School reserves the right to change an hourly rate with reasonable prior notification to the Pupil;

The pupil should be aware that instructors primary objective is to promote road safety and in doing so, he/she may take control of the vehicle. The instructor will make every effort to instruct the Pupil to the highest standards but can in no way be held liable for any error that the Pupil may make whilst driving and not accompanied by instructor either before or after a test pass.

The instructor has a right to refuse to proceed with a lesson if he/she has a reason to believe that the Pupil is in any way under the influence of drink or drugs at the time of the lesson (you will still be charged a full amount of driving lesson).

The instructor will accept no liability for accidents, injury or damage to any third part caused by the Pupil’s recklessness or negligence during a lesson;


In order to have a driving licence you must:

Be aged 17 or older

Hold a driving licence that is valid for the UK (provisional, full or appropriate foreign licence).

It is your responsibility to provide your instructor with proof that you have a valid licence to drive before the commencement of your first driving lesson.  If you fail to provide this proof, your instructor is entitled to refuse to conduct the driving lesson but may still charge you for such driving lesson.


You can pay for lessons by cash direct to instructor. You can transfer money to bank.




You and your instructor are responsible for agreeing such matters as the timing, location and duration of individual driving lesson. You must notify your instructor of any matters existing at any time that may affect your ability or entitlement to have driving lessons, for example, but not limited to, any lack, or loss, of a valid driving licence.

Your instructor cannot guarantee that they will be available each time you choose to request a driving lesson. It is your responsibility to agree and confirm the timing of lessons with your instructor.



Pre-paid block of hours has to be used within the time specified below:

10h block – 2 months

15h block – 3 months

20h block – 4 months

It is the pupils responsibility to ensure that all block booking hours are used up otherwise any hours which have not been used will be non-refundable.


4.3  Cancellation Policy

You must give at least 48 hours’ notice to your instructor if you wish to cancel or re-arrange a booked driving lesson. Failure to do so will result in your instructor charging you the full amount for that driving lesson;


Cancellation also includes if the duration of the lesson is changed, e.g. 2 hours to 1 hour, or 1 and a half hours to 1 hour;

You cannot sell or transfer driving lessons which have been purchased in your name to any other person


4.4 Refunds

Any refund of pre-paid block of hours has to be made within 28 days from the date of payment.


The price paid for the driving test fee does not include the use of the car for the purpose of the test and any prior instruction;

Driving test may only be arranged with the prior agreement of both the instructor and the Pupil;

The instructor reserves the right to withhold the use of his/her car for a driving test.

Driving lessons are only available to those who hold a driving licence valid in the UK;

Your instructor reserves the right to refuse to provide you with driving lessons or to cancel any driving lessons you have booked if you fail to provide proof of an appropriate licence prior to your first driving lesson.

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